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Does Hodgins From Bones Walk Again

Dr. Jonathan "Jack" Stanley Hodgins is an entomologist, botanist, and mineralogist who works at the Jeffersonian Found.


  • 1 Overview
  • ii Relationships
    • 2.ane Romantic
      • Angela Montenegro
      • 2.1.2 Clarissa
    • 2.2 Friendship
      • 2.two.1 Zack Addy
      • 2.2.ii Temperance Brennan
      • 2.2.3 Seeley Booth
      • 2.2.4 Wendell Bray
      • 2.2.5 Arastoo Vaziri
      • ii.2.6 Finn Abernathy
  • 3 Trivia

Overview [ ]

Hodgins is one of the about sarcastic members of the group. He seems to accept had a stiff dislike for Dr. Goodman'south (the administrator of the Jeffersonian Institute) approach to his work, but gets along much improve with Cam, the head of forensics. He is sometimes "the funny man" with a notable impression of Booth in "The Woman in the Garden".

He is i of the more normal people working in the lab and helps teach Zack how to appropriately socialize. Booth calls him "Bug Boy" and at the beginning, he doesn't similar it but he comes to it. He is non only an expert on spores and minerals, but conspiracy theories are his hobby. He can estimate the time of death from the development of insect larvae in human and animal remains.

In The Heiress in the Hill, Jack's parents, Jonathan and Anne, are named by Dr. Lawrence Rozran, who also informs him that they had an elder son, Jeffrey, whom they never told him nigh. Hodgins mentioned that his Uncle Preston wants to exist buried continuing up without a casket when the team was searching for the accomplice of Howard Epps.

His family unit is extremely wealthy – and happens to be the single largest donor to the Jeffersonian Plant; they own the Cantilever Group, the third-largest privately owned corporation in the United states of america, and Jack is their sole heir. Information technology is said that "The Cantilever Group itself generates more than GNP than Europe" although this is probably a hyperbole as Europe generates trillions in GNP. Before he sold his family house in The Trunk in the Bag, Hodgins mentioned that his house belonged to his father, grandfather, and his not bad-grandfather; Chester Putnam Hodgins. When Angela finally electronically tracks down the family fortune in Flavour Ten it is $4.6 billion.

Hodgins avoids a Jeffersonian Institution "meet & greet" event for donors considering he wants to avert meeting his family unit and/or Cantilever Group executives in this setting. He is trying to avoid having his coworkers detect out about his wealth. He wants them to respect him for his contributions and not fearfulness him because technically he could be considered their boss. Booth, Zack, and Angela knew about his family, but respected his wishes to go along it from Brennan. However, equally of "Aliens in a Spaceship", Hodgins tells Brennan that his family is rich.

In the episode "Two Bodies in the Lab" he is shown driving a Mini Cooper, which is also his auto in later episodes. He also receives a car as a souvenir from his father-in-law in season five. In the first season episode "The Human with the Bone" it is also revealed Hodgins is an experienced cave diver. He is as well seen in many episodes with an iPhone as his mobile device.

Hodgins abandons his paranoid thoughts and beliefs after it was revealed his best friend, Zack Addy was aiding an aptly named cannibalistic serial killer The Gormogon (which later on was revealed to actually be named, "The Primary"). Overwhelmingly devastated by his best friend's poor judgment and besides every bit his contempo intermission up with Angela (encounter: Relationship with Angela Montenegro), Hodgins' beliefs and feelings of paranoia turned into misanthropy. He explains he "hates everybody" in a session he scheduled with Sweets afterwards being repeatedly confronted past Sweets while working in the lab in The Finger in the Nest. Subsequently assuming he'd have to be heavily medicated and undergo an endless stream of therapy, Sweets assures Hodgins he will be fine becoming misanthropic. Sweets explains Hodgins is coping with the amount of turmoil recently axiomatic in his life. The feelings of hatred toward everybody were the conversion result from the paranoia. One time Hodgins' coping mechanism progresses, his misanthropic feelings will eventually plough into something much nicer. He shows he had accepted the fact they were with Booth when Agent Perotta says: "My people were right". Cam and Carolyn asked: "Your people?" Hodgins and Wendell Bray, a graduate assistant, stated: "We're Booth'due south people."

In the fourth season episode "The Science in the Physicist", Hodgins, after learning Angela'southward father is in town, wakes up in the eye of the desert, with a cast on his left shoulder. After removing it, it is revealed he received a tattoo of Angela's confront, with " Angie Forever " written underneath. Watchers are atomic number 82 to believe it was done by Angela'due south father equally a form of passive-aggressive 'revenge' for pain Angela. Later, in "The Cinderella in the Cardboard", it is revealed he has been using an online dating service called Date or Hate. He claims he is looking for a "meaningful connection".

In "The X in the File" (season 5), Hodgins visits Sweets for counseling afterwards Angela and Wendell admit their human relationship (he enjoys pretending to blow up his co-workers' heads, particularly Angela and Wendell). Sweets comes to the determination that Hodgins is grieving for his and Angela'south lost relationship. Hodgins exclaims that the merely remedy for grief is time ("unless you're (Sweets) prescribing a whole lot of booze"), which Sweets confirms.

In the season half dozen episode, "The Trunk in the Handbag", he states that the business firm that he & Angela are currently living in has been in the family unit since his great grandfather - Chester Putnam Hodgins. However, after that investigation, he buys the business firm of the crime scene from its electric current owner - Paisley Johnston - at "a profoundly reduced price" since she didn't like the fact that a murder occurred in her home.

Later into flavour viii, Hodgins loses his money due to the machinations of killer and hacker Christopher Pelant, who hacked Hodgins' accounts while using the same estimator system to target a military drone at a school in Afghanistan, forcing Hodgins to sacrifice his money by allowing the computer to keep running so that the team could focus their efforts on hacking the drone and stopping the destruction of the school. In The Maiden in the Mushrooms, later on using the last of Finn's belatedly grandma's hot sauce, Hodgins figures out the ingredients, and opens a side business called "Opie and Thurston's Hot Sauce".

In flavor nine, the episode "The Heiress in the Hill", Hodgins learns that he has a mentally sick older brother, Jeffrey Hodgins, whom his parents had concealed from him. Jack Hodgins cares greatly for his brother and the two bail over Jules Verne and "20,000 Leagues Nether the Sea" which their father read to both of them every night before bed. Hodgins needs to fund his brother'due south bills since the Cantilever group money is gone. Brennan and Booth offer funds from Brennan's book advance, but Hodgins declines, preferring to take a loan like an ordinary person.

In season 10 in "The Heart in the Heaven" Hodgins invents a dearest-combed structured ultra rubber packaging material and receives an advance of $2m, restoring him to the ranks of the wealthy. In "The Next in the Last", while investigating the murder of a hacker who plant and then stole Hodgins' coin, Angela is able to find it again for him. Nevertheless, Hodgins no longer wants the $4.6 billion dorsum and instead asks Angela to donate it to a hundred charities, particularly ones finding a cure for the cancer Wendell Bray has. Angela agrees and the ii don't tell anyone about the discovery. They also change their minds about leaving the Jeffersonian.

In the fall finale of season 11, a trunk blows up and the blast leaves Hodgins and Aubrey lying on the ground unconscious. They are both rushed to the infirmary and Hodgins is considered fine by the doctors. He goes home with Angela and takes aspirin to relieve his pain. A few days after he and Angela are leaving the Jeffersonian and he collapses onto the floor. He is rushed to the hospital, where the doctor reveals that the blast caused localized trauma, causing meaning swelling effectually his spinal string which was exasperated by the aspirin which thinned his blood. The swelling compresses Hodgins' spine and crushes the nerves on his lower spine, specifically the ones related to movement below the waist. Every bit a event, Hodgins is left paralyzed from the waist down. When Hodgins is released in "The Expiry in the Defense," the physician warns that while the fretfulness were crushed, they were not severed. As a outcome, they are decumbent to further damage and farther serious injury could result in the rest of his body is dumb.

Since he lost the feeling in his legs, his misanthropic feelings have returned in The Murder of the Meninist and he started displaying anger and frustration at the loss of the feeling in his legs and his radically altered position with his other co-workers towards anybody, peculiarly Angela. He somewhen attempted to become a divorce with Angela, merely she became frustrated and devastated at Hodgins and his recent radical alter of feelings and refused to permit him surrender. Hodgins eventually began to try to fix his relationship with his co-workers and even bought Angela a diamond necklace and bracelet to help make upwardly for the difficult time he gave her. They both became determined to help Hodgins get his legs back by finding the correct surgery that reduces the chances of any risky procedures. In The Hole-and-corner in the Service, Hodgins almost fell downwardly 25 meters in a laundry chute and was barely able to agree on. After Angela and Fisher discovered what occurred, Hodgins told them that he was actually grateful that he is in his wheelchair. He underwent months of physical therapy since he was paralyzed which considerably doubled his upper body strength which, in turn, helped him compensate for the loss of his legs. He wouldn't take been able to hold on to the downstairs chute if he wasn't paralyzed at the time. Since the events in The Precious stone in the Crown, Hodgins actually started to regain the feeling in his legs. His legs were moving involuntarily which caused them to kick a few objects throughout the progression of the episode. Hodgins and Angela are glad that Hodgins is getting his legs back, withal, the road to recovery is a painful 1 in this example, literally. In The Nightmare within the Nightmare, Hodgins started to experience pulses of hurting emanating from his legs while he is recovering from being paralyzed.

In The Promise in the Horror, Angela discovered that Zack Addy was consulting with his physical therapist under the name of a globe-renowned neurosurgeon; Dr. Alexander Bancroft. Zack tried to assistance Hodgins literally become back on his feet past having his physical therapist perform a protocol developed past the real Alexander Bancroft. Hodgins wanted to thank Zack for helping him try to get his legs back, but Zack told him that he should not be thanking him because the handling is ultimately unlikely to work. Hodgins tried to explain that he has feelings in his legs, merely Zack told him that the pulses of pain were really resulting from compromised nervous activity in the sacral plexus. Zack wanted to give Hodgins hope since he was told that hope sometimes has the power to heal, simply his fear was that all he brought him was even more pain. At the end of the episode, Hodgins lost all feeling in his legs simply he tries to reassure Angela that he is non in pain and that the two of them will exist only fine. Angela and Hodgins had sex in The New Tricks in the Old Dogs for the starting time time since Hodgins was paralyzed. Brennan remarked earlier that Hodgins' paralysis never affected his "spinal reflexes at a sacral level" in The Terminal Shot at a Second Chance, suggesting that he is notwithstanding sexually capable. It implies the possibility that despite his limited mobility, he and Angela might have a adventure at having another child. In The Twenty-four hour period in the Life, it's revealed that Angela is again pregnant.

Throughout flavour 12, Hodgins works to exonerate his old friend Zack Addy for the murder of Ray Porter later on Zack confessed to being innocent. Despite finding compelling testify in The Flaw in the Saw, it is thrown out on suspicion that Hodgins planted it to costless Zack. In The Steel in the Wheels, Hodgins is able to locate the trunk of the Apprentice with the assistance of Doctor Gordon Wyatt and Angela and with it claret show proving that Zack is not the killer. In The Twenty-four hours in the Life, Hodgins testifies on Zack's behalf at his appeal and is enraged at Caroline Julian's credible efforts to sink the case, not understanding that she is helping them subtly. Though Hodgins is thrown out of the courtroom, his efforts show successful and Zack is exonerated for the murder of Ray Porter though he must serve out the remaining thirteen months of his sentence for aiding a known killer.

Afterwards the bombing of the Jeffersonian and the death of Marker Kovac in The End in the End, Cam reveals that she will be taking a brief leave of absence as she and Arastoo are going to Mississippi to adopt three foster children. Since Brennan has no desire to be in charge, Hodgins will run the Lab until Cam's return. Hodgins is excited to literally be King of the Lab and races around the ruined lab in his wheelchair.

Relationships [ ]

Romantic [ ]

Angela Montenegro [ ]

Hodgins: I'll tell y'all this. If Epps comes well-nigh Angela, I'll kill him.

In beginning, while on the surface Angela rubs Jack the wrong way, he seems to secretly like her. Although not expressly stated, it has become increasingly clear that he and Angela are involved - at the very least as more than but friends. This is seen in the many moments between Hodgins and Angela in most of the episodes following their first appointment (The Girl with the Scroll, The Man in the Mansion). Their kickoff date in The Girl with the Curl) was to the park, to play on swings. In Aliens in a Spaceship he admitted to Brennan that he was in love with Angela.

In The Priest in the Churchyard, they "christen" a replica of Cleopatra's bed slated to be put on exhibit. Hodgins as well asks her to move in with him. Every bit of the episode Spaceman in a Crater, Hodgins has proposed to Angela twice, but even though she admits she loves him, she turns downwards his proposals considering something doesn't "feel" right - although she appears to encourage him to proceed trying to propose. Hodgins surprises Angela with a "Be My Love" proposal, and claims he loves their relationship just equally it is ("The Glowing Bones in the Former Stone House"). Angela is elated and asks Hodgins to marry her immediately. He accepts, but their wedding is cut curt when it is revealed that Angela was technically already married to an unknown homo following a drunken ane-night stand and wedding ceremony in Fiji.

In the third season, Hodgins and Angela hire a private investigator named Amber Kippler to locate Angela'southward husband. The investigator finds that Angela'due south hubby, Grayson Barasa, is living on No Name primal in Florida. Hodgins and Angela ask Amber to force Grayson to the divorce papers. Withal, Grayson refuses to sign them, claiming he notwithstanding loves Angela and has even congenital a house for himself and her. Hodgins is originally unnerved by this but is consoled by Amber, who explains that she personally believes that Angela will stay with him.

In The Witch in the Wardrobe, they are arrested together, because Hodgins was "driving like an quondam lady." Thank you to old outstanding (misdemeanor) warrants, the absorbing officer are unable to release them until the local guess speaks with them. Afterwards bonding in jail, they realize they shouldn't have cleaved up, and when the guess comes to free them, they go married in the prison cell. In the concluding episode of Season 5, it was revealed that they were going to France for a year considering they did not desire to work without Brennan and Booth.

In the Season 6 Finale, The Change in the Game, Angela gives nascency to Hodgins' son, a babe boy named Michael Staccato Vincent Hodgins; the unusual name was a compromise with Angela's father, who had wanted to proper noun the child Staccato Mamba (afterwords he'd heard in a song), as well as a tribute to Vincent Nigel-Murray, who had recently been killed by Jacob Broadsky.

Clarissa [ ]

Jack and Clarissa was engaged. Just she and Terry Bancroft started dating and as Jack said "it unfolded the way those things practise". Later both of them get married. Hodgins oasis't contacted or heard from either of them in eight years.

Friendship [ ]

Zack Addy [ ]


It is often implied that Zack and Hodgins have a brotherly bond. In more than ane episode, Hodgins refers to Zack as his "all-time friend." He oft competes with Hodgins to exist "Rex of the lab", a title claimed past the one who makes a pivotal discovery or determination detrimental to a murder investigation. Zack seems to be friends with Jack, with whom it was in one case idea he was roommates. He actually lives in the apartment above Hodgins' garage on the grounds of his large estate.

In The Human in the Bear, Zack competes with Hodgins over a beautiful delivery lady named Toni. Hodgins gave Zack a small copy of the Kama Sutra to get him to end asking Booth questions about sexual intercourse. In fact, he rents from and besides carpools with Hodgins, since he tin't bulldoze or ride a bike, simply because he refuses to acquire because of what he knows nigh Structural Design. He once made a comment to Booth that if he (Booth) had the same understanding of structural engineering, he would exist agape to drive also. In The Hurting in the Heart, despite working for the Gormogon and the beliefs he got as a result, Zack protects Hodgins from an explosion he prepare despite knowing he'd injure himself severely. Bones is later able to use his protecting Hodgins above his ain beliefs to get him to plow on the Gormogon. Hodgins is later stunned by the fact that Zack actually listened to all of his conspiracy theories which had an bear on on him. In The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond, Hodgins is shown to visit Zack in the mental hospital and has hope that one twenty-four hours Zack will exist able to rejoin them in the lab. He still refers to Zack as his best friend and while joking with Zack, well-nigh calls himself "King of the Lab" but stops himself when he remembers Zack is no longer at the lab. He states his promise that Zack will ane day return and be "King of the Lab" over again. Hodgins also refuses to accept Zack's space in the lab which Cam tells him she had suggested every bit she felt Zack would be most comfy with Hodgins taking that space. In The Hope in the Horror, information technology was revealed that Zack was consulting with Hodgins' concrete therapist every bit a world-renowned neurosurgeon named Dr. Alexander Bancroft. He wanted to help Hodgins by having his concrete therapist perform a protocol developed by the real Alexander Bancroft in an attempt to help Hodgins recover from beingness paralyzed, but the procedure has a less than i% risk of success. Zack wanted to requite Hodgins promise since he believed that promise has the power to heal, but his fright is that all he brought him is more pain. In The Flaw in the Saw, Hodgins works to observe evidence to exonerate Zack. While he finds something, Cam accuses him of planting the prove as they all know Zack is innocent and desire him gratis, which infuriates Hodgins. In The Steal in the Wheels, Hodgins is able to locate the torso of the Apprentice and as stated in The Twenty-four hour period in the Life, developed a protocol where no ane would examine the case evidence lone to ensure no accusations of venial tin can exist brought against him. During Zack's entreatment, Hodgins testifies to his friend's innocence and is enraged by Caroline Julian's apparent efforts to keep Zack locked up, not understanding that she is merely doing her chore but in a mode that discreetly helps Zack. Hodgins efforts to notice proof ultimately consequence in Zack's exoneration for the murder of Ray Porter, though he must still spend thirteen more months locked upwards on the charge of aiding a known killer. It has been speculated that due to his close friendship with Hodgins, he would be re-hired at the Jeffersonian later on his release.

Temperance Brennan [ ]

Seeley Booth [ ]

Early in Season i, when Booth has appointed the FBI liaison to the Jeffersonian, Jack was particularly hostile to him due to his disdain for the authorities and bureaucracy in general. Booth's patriotism, a position as a federal agent and military machine groundwork, and Hodgins' argumentative nature farther added to the friction. Booth before long earns his respect when he covers up him from not to become to the Jeffersonian ball ('cause it exposes his status as Cantilever Grouping hеir and his piece of work in Jeffersonian) past FBI needs his expertise and later lets Hodgins accompany him to rescue Bones, who was being held captive by rogue FBI agent, and Hodgins witnesses Booth shooting the perpetrator as the latter was about to kill Bones. Hodgins later expressing genuine regret when a electric current investigation exposed a armed services cover-up equally he recognized what their discoveries meant for Booth. While they still maintain their respective opposing views, they are on friendly terms and Berth oft calls him "bug male child". Hodgins also asked for Berth's advice when he was planning to propose to Angela. At the terminate of the 2d flavor, he agrees to be Hodgin's all-time man in his wedding admitting equally the 2d pick subsequently Zack Addy turned the position downwardly. Hodgins also asks for Booth'southward advice almost proposing to Angela. Booth has the tendency to cut Hodgins off in the middle of a conversation whenever the latter starts using scientific jargon, although Hodgins more often than not tolerates it. In season 4, when Booth'south FBI colleague Payton Perotta takes over an investigation in which Booth is a doubtable, Hodgins and Wendell immediately declare to Agent Perotta that they are "Booth's people" rather than her's. In "The Heiress in the Hill " Booth learns of Hodgins' dilemma and, with Brennan's blessing, offers to donate the $75,000 check. Although grateful for the gesture, Hodgins refuses and decides to take a loan instead.   In several cases, Booth, despite his disdain for near of Hodgins' conspiracy theories, uses it to his advantage for a case; especially while investigating Gormogon murders; in the episode "Girl in Suite 2103" he asks Hodgins to phone call the FAA with his "craziest" conspiracy theory in social club to stall a plane so the FBI can become to information technology in fourth dimension to do a search. At the cease of the episode when government agents come to take Hodgins abroad for questioning in relation to the hoax telephone call, Booth declines to intervene telling Dr. Brennan that beingness taken away by "Men in Black" would be his dream come truthful. In Seasons ix and 10, his conspiracy theorist side comes to the fore and his theories often aid Booth and the team in finding clues in the major story arc in which the discovery of "The Ghost Killer" and her connections lead the squad to uncover a widespread and deeply rooted conspiracy going on in the FBI.

Wendell Bray [ ]

He initially had an awkward relationship with Wendell equally the latter one time dated Angela for a period of fourth dimension and Angela had painted Wendell nude one time. They afterward resolve the issue over time.

Arastoo Vaziri [ ]

Hodgins and Arastoo frequently chat nigh sports, specially basketball and baseball, while examining remains in the lab. When Arastoo admitted to faking his accent as a embrace for his religiousness, Hodgins was one of the first to accept him without reservations after Arastoo explained how he reconciles his religion (Islam) with scientific discipline.

Finn Abernathy [ ]

Jack originally doesn't get along with Finn, he teases him due to his southern accent and colloquialisms but Finn convinces him that as they both speak science they should focus on that rather than what is different nigh them, Hodgins relents and they get friends afterwards jointly making a python vomit up bear witness, even teasing each other in the class of nicknames, Hodgins calls Finn "Opie" (the Ron Howard kid grapheme on The Andy Griffiths Testify) and Finn calls Hodgins "Thurston" (Thurston Howell 3, the Millionaire on Gilligan'south Island).

Finn has merely gotten upset with Hodgins when he consumed the last of Finn's hot sauce that his deceased grandmother had made, ignoring the note Finn had left stating that it belonged to him and without realizing that the hot sauce had sentimental value. Finn forgave him after Hodgins used the lab equipment to discover the recipe, using a swab from the canteen and making more after getting Finn to gustation it and make certain information technology tasted similar the sauce his grandmother made. Due to the nice gustation, the ii decide to enter into business organisation together, getting a chef on their side to help brand information technology and marketplace it as Opie and Thurston's Hot Sauce .

Trivia [ ]

  • In The Movie in the Making, it was revealed that Hodgins too called himself many other nicknames similar to his signature nickname: King of the Lab. Some of which are scattered throughout the previous seasons.
  1. Male monarch of the Pause Room
  2. King of the Parking Lot
  3. King of Modesty
  4. King of Egypt
  5. Male monarch of the Swabs
  6. King of the Funeral (The Double Death of the Dearly Departed)
  7. King of the Beetles (The Fact in the Fiction)
  8. Rex of the Nix (The Crack in the Code)
  9. Rex of the Plant Graveyard (The Flaw in the Saw)
  • Hodgins mentioned that he has three degrees in The Human with the Os. In The Harbingers in The Fountain, he revealed that his degrees are in Phytology, Geology, and Entomology.
  • Hodgins is a registered member of the Dark-green Party, but has voted for Democrats in the past because they had a better chance of being elected. (The Senator in the Street Sweeper)
  • Sweets and Hodgins were the only two characters who made a cameo in the spin-off serial; The Finder. Hodgins appeared in Little Green Men.
  • In The Corpse on the Canopy, Hodgins and Angela wake upwards to a bloody corpse hanging over their bed and encarmine petals effectually Michael Vincent'southward pillow in his crib, all done by 'hacktivist' and serial killer Christopher Pelant.
  • Hodgins is left-handed.
  • As of The Corpse at the Convention, Hodgins was a murder suspect three times. Start, in The Man in the Mansion for the murder of Terrance Bancroft. Second, he was accused of being Gormogon. Third, he was a suspect for the murder of Leona Saunders.
  • In "The Crack in the Code," he revealed that his granddaddy was a codebreaker under General Nimitz.
  • In "The Ghost in the Killer," he revealed that he used to sail as a teen, even winning a few races besides.
  • When he was in college, he invented a sensor for discovering dead bodies that were stolen by Leona Saunders. The plans were eventually sold for $4 1000000.
  • He used to dismantle and reassemble all the clocks in his family unit'due south house. It was a stage, equally obviously he next moved on to the furnace.

Does Hodgins From Bones Walk Again
